Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!
Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!

93 – Paragliding – Safety and Precautions!

Paragliding – Safety and Precautions
Paragliding – Safety and Precautions

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler


LEARN to paraglide from a fully qualified paragliding instructor.

Don't ever try to self-learn how to paraglide, this could be very dangerous!

Don't buy second-hand equipment, unless it has been seen by your instructor and is deemed suitable.

Paragliders are rated on performance. If you join a registered club you will be taught on a paraglider that has been rated for a beginner.

Equipment you will need apart from a canopy is a harness, flight suit, boots and a helmet.

More advanced pilots may also need navigation instruments and other accessories.

Plan your flight before-hand.

Take the weather into account before launching.

You don't need a hill to paraglide. You can be launched on the flat by towing, using an engine-driven winch. It is important however that you have been trained in the technique of taking off using a tow before attempting it. The tow operator must also have been fully trained.

Use caution if you are attempting to fly in weather conditions you have never flown in before!

Do NOT attempt a level of flight that is beyond your level of experience!

Never attempt fixed rope towing or tethering, this is extremely dangerous!

Use your common sense, don't take unnecessary risks!

Paragliding can be dangerous enough without making rash decisions or judgments.

Always Remember To;

Before every Paragliding flight, pilots should check that their equipment is in good condition and secure. This includes:

-- Fastening their helmet and harness leg straps

-- Ensuring the wing is connected correctly

-- Attaching the speed system

-- Making sure the lines aren't twisted

-- Checking that the reserve parachute is installed properly

-- Inspecting the paraglider for wear and tear

-- Confirming that the weather conditions are suitable for flying

Here Are Some Videos on Paragliding – Safety and Precautions!