92 - Bungee Jumping – Safety and Precautions!

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler
BUNGEE jumping involves a person diving from a high place while secured from the take-off point with an elastic or bungee cord.
Individuals planning to bungee jump should meet the following criteria to limit health and other risks
Weight-for-height within the target range (note: accurate measurements are recommended for proper fitting of equipment, including weight-bearing cords and body harnesses, if used.)
Absence or adequate control of medical conditions considered prohibitive; FOR the following or related conditions, it is crucial to seek professional counsel with a physician or nurse practitioner:
-Abnormal blood pressure
-Abnormal heart rate or rhythm
-Back or leg disorders
-Breathing disorders
-Circulatory disorders
-Head injuries
-Possible pregnancy (bungee jumping during pregnancy is highly discouraged!)
-Any recent surgery
Plan the jump in advance!
View the service provider's website for information and any certification.
Read reviews and do your research to check if it is a safe, reputable company.
Clothing such as dresses, skirts, and heels are NOT suitable for bungee jumping - Nothing should get in your way or cover your face or view - Trainers or boots are a good idea!
Arrive an hour early and prepare for the jump. Go through the safety briefings, get weighed, relax mentally, talk to the instructors and watch other people jump!
Be in good health and NO alcohol
Know your limits!
In ADDITION to the ankle harnesses securing the bungee to the body, ADD a body harness (as used in rock climbing) to increase safety!
Jump only from a sturdy and stable structure from which to anchor the bungee cord, i.e. steel railings of a bridge or safety fence
Some services - particularly those using a permanent location - place an airbag, webbing, or similar safety "sling" at the bottom of the jump space, to provide a safety space in the unlikely event of a fall!
Wear casual outdoor clothing that does not interfere with proper harnessing without flying fabric or objects (including jewelry and unsecured glasses or even contact lenses) that could cause injury or obstruct vision
Many companies call off jumping during unfavorable weather, due to the inherent dangers of poor visibility and uncontrollable wind patterns raising the risk of injury.
Rain, snow, residual wetness, and ice cause slippery conditions that may impair the reliable operation of the equipment.
The staff operating a jumping service are responsible for ensuring all equipment is in place and functional, and that proper safety procedures are followed.
The staff should be trained, and experienced bungee jumping professionals.
The tie-off location should be secure.
Jump space should be clear of interfering objects, trees, etc.
There should be a policy for checking and re-checking procedures.
Medical services (including first aid) should be readily available on-site!