90 – Bicycling Safety and Precautions!

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler
IT takes great skill to be a good cyclist particularly when cycling on busy streets. It is important that parents teach their children the RULES of the ROAD!
Always wear a HELMET and ensure that it is fitted properly.
Keep your bike in GOOD condition - Adjust it to fit you and keep it working properly. Check BRAKES and TIRES regularly!
Routine MAINTENANCE is simple and you can learn to do it yourself.
OBEY traffic signs and signals!
Bicycles MUST drive like OTHER vehicles if they are to be taken seriously by motorists (follow the same rules of traffic as other vehicles!).
Use LIGHTS at night! SEE and be SEEN!
A white headlight (visible from at least 500 feet ahead) and a rear reflector or taillight (visible up to 300 feet from behind) should be installed on the bike.
Use proper HAND signals!
Avoid road HAZARDS! Watch out for parallel-slat SEWER GRATES, gravel, ice, or DEBRIS. Cross RAILROAD tracks at RIGHT angles!
Dress appropriately
In rain wear a pancho or waterproof suit. Dress in layers so that you can adjust to temperature changes. Wear BRIGHT colored clothing!
Follow LANE markings!
Don't turn left from the right lane. Don't go straight in a lane marked "right-turn only."
Before making a lane change, turn your head to do a shoulder check. First, make sure the lane you are moving into is CLEAR, do another shoulder check and then proceed.
Make eye contact with drivers to be sure you have been SEEN.
Children should always tell parents WHERE they are going on their bikes!
Teach children to ride in SAFE areas - avoid PARKING LOTS, paths through WOODED areas, SECLUDED areas, loose GRAVEL and BUSY roads!
Don’t ride beside TRUCKS or other LARGE vehicles and avoid HEAVY traffic.
Look well ahead. This way you can spot problems BEFORE they happen!
When you are passing parked cars, if there’s room, ride as though the car doors were OPEN!
Do NOT ride too FAST. When there’s a traffic jam or a lot of pedestrians, SLOW DOWN!
Never ride with a passenger on the handle bars.
Do NOT let children ride at night!
Walk across cross-walks.
Never pull or get pulled by another bike, vehicle, rollerblader, etc.
Always KEEP hands on handlebars!
NEVER wear headphones when riding a bike.
Ride in SINGLE file!
Avoid biking on RAINY days!
Teach children to keep feet ON pedals when riding.
Place BOTH feet on the ground when stopped.
Stay on the CYCLE LANE. Do not SWERVE into LANES, even if empty!
Be aware of driveways and lanes. Look both ways and STOP before crossing. This is especially important to teach young children when they are learning to ride on sidewalks!
Watch for MERGING paths or lanes!
Come to a COMPLETE stop at all stop signs and OBEY all other road signs!
WALK across busy intersections with the lights as a PEDESTRIAN!
Bikes are considered vehicles and MUST follow all rules of the road.
Bikes are NOT permitted on expressways or freeways.
Always ride in CONTROL!
Children riding in a bicycle cart, tandem or bike seat should also wear HELMETS
Avoid performing acrobatics on the road!
Do NOT overload. Cycle is for one person and maximum for two.
Avoid overtaking!
Do NOT be DISTRACTED while cycling!