Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!
Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!

91 – Being Safe in Amusement and Theme Parks!

Being Safe in Amusement and Theme Parks
Being Safe in Amusement and Theme Parks

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler

THE highest number of casualties in amusement and theme parks is simply due to HEAT EXHAUSTION, symptoms include;

-- Heavy perspiration

-- Headache

-- Nausea

-- Dizziness

-- Faintness

-- Shallow breathing

-- Moist, pale skin

-- Rapid pulse rate

-- Mental confusion

Drink lots and lots of WATER in a amusement park! Alcohol is to be AVOIDED as it dehydrates the body. Choose water over juice and soft drinks whenever you get thirsty!

You must start drinking at least 8 glasses of water two days before you go to the amusement park!

Use waterproof sunscreen, a hat or sun visor can help too!

Wear comfortable shoes and clean, dry socks.

Follow instructions, read the boarding restrictions before you get in line.

If you are pregnant, have pain or injuries in your back or neck, or have a heart condition, you will NOT be able to go on some rides. If you are SHORTER than five feet, or TALLER than six, you will also encounter rides where you will either not be permitted, or won't be comfortable!

If you can't find the boarding restrictions at a particular ride, or have any questions about them, find a park employee and ASK. Some parks make special seats available on select rides for larger visitors.

Most parks issue special GUIDEBOOKS for persons with disabilities, which include restrictions that also affect many kids as well as larger riders.

You might think a ride looks tame enough for you, but there could be hidden turns, drops or stops. If they tell you NOT to ride, do NOT ride!

If you see people line jumping at the park, report it to the employees at the ride, or if possible, a security officer.

On any theme park ride, keep your rear on the seat, your hands on the grab bar and your feet and knees INSIDE the car.

If there is no grab bar, keep your hands on your lap. If you are riding a "floorless" coaster, relax your legs and let them dangle underneath you. Don't kick them out to the side or front.

If you are on a ride with a lap bar, seat belt or safety harness, make sure that it is in place, snug and locked. If the ride starts to move and your restraint is NOT in place, immediately YELL for help!

Do not get on or off a ride UNTIL you've been given the okay by an attendant to do so.

Wait until a vehicle comes to a still, complete stop before you try to get ON or OFF. Make sure that your vehicle has stopped next to the unload platform before you get off!

Often, vehicles stop short of the unload platform to wait for groups up ahead to exit.

Some rides, especially roller coasters and simulator rides can shake your head around, leaving you at risk for headaches as well as more serious head injuries. On those types of rides, sit in the middle of the chair and don't slouch or lean to one side!

When the seat pitches you to the left, relax your torso and bend to the right to keep your head upright and centered - And vice versa.

Again, if you are prone to headaches, have any neck or back problems, or have been diagnosed with aneurysm, do NOT get on a roller coaster or simulator ride.

You should NOT get on a coaster or other turbulent ride if you have an upset or over-filled stomach. Wait 30-40 minutes AFTER eating before you board the roller coaster!

CHEWING GUMS could block a vital airway in a coaster ride.

Always REMEMBER to;

-- Pay attention to any signs that say "STAY OUT" or "EMPLOYEES ONLY".

-- AVOID areas where heavy machinery may be operating at high speeds!

-- Keep your focus where you are going and know what is around you!

-- Wear comfortable NOT very loose clothing. Keep your hair tied espedially on the roller coasters and rides that spin.

-- Do NOT force anyone to go on rides they are NOT comfortable with!

-- Sit properly and belt very carefully on rides! Keep all body parts inside the ride.

-- Keep all belongings in sealed pockets so that they do NOT fall off!

-- On water rides wear a life vest, do NOT swallow chlorine water and apply sunscreen after coming out!

Safety of Children in Amusement and Theme Parks!

Safety of Children in Amusement and Theme Parks
Safety of Children in Amusement and Theme Parks

DRESSING your child in BRIGHTLY colored clothing helps to make it easier to spot them in a crowd!

Make a mental note of what clothing your child is wearing. Do NOT label children's clothing with their first name or allow them to wear clothing displaying their name!

Review personal safety rules with the entire family before leaving for events. Discuss scenarios with children and teach them how to appropriately respond in uncomfortable situations!

Make sure children know their full names, addresses, AND telephone numbers!

Make sure children know that if you become SEPERATED you will not leave the park without finding them. Establish a meeting place in case you become separated!

Identify information booths and First Aid stations in case of accidents or need of assistance.

Teach children HOW to respond when approached by a stranger asking them for help, personal questions, etc.

Never LEAVE children unattended!

Immediately report any problems to amusement or theme park staff!

Children should know how to use a pay phone and always have change or a calling card in case of an emergency!

Children should know how to recognize "Safe Strangers" staff and security personnel, for easy identification, if needed.

If children are asked to follow, help or answer personal questions by a stranger, they should say NO and quickly get away from that person! They should tell their parents or a person in authority as soon as possible!

If children are grabbed by anyone and are forced in any way to go with them, they should scream and make a scene to draw the attention of other grown-ups and staff personnel for help!

Visitors (and Operators) Responsibilities in Amusement or Theme Park Visits!

Visitors Responsibilities in Amusement or Theme Park Visits
Visitors Responsibilities in Amusement or Theme Park Visits

IF you spot someone doing something unsafe at the amusement park or carnival which could get someone hurt, you have the responsibility of REPORTING it to the park or carnival management. This also goes for DESTRUCTION of property, and TAMPERING with ANY park equipment, even if you don't know what the equipment is used for.

Park employees will almost always have a uniform on or will be wearing professional clothes, so if you see someone NOT in uniform attempting to access an area that does not appear to be a public-access area, then for your benefit and the benefit of the people around you, REPORT it to the site management. People have been killed and seriously injured by being in restricted areas, so keep this in mind!

Most parks have safety signs posted on them. These signs provide VALUABLE safety information about an individual ride. You need to pay special attention to these signs if you have any kind of health-related condition, such as HEART PROBLEMS, PREGNANCY, BROKEN BONES, RECENT SURGERY or ILLNESS, BALANCE DISORDERS, EPILEPSY, or basically anything else that would prevent you from safely operating your motor vehicle, as an example!

It must be remembered that there have been people who have died as a result of ignoring these health-related WARNINGS, so READ them before you ride if you have any kind of health condition!

It is generally understood that when you are at an amusement park, you must be prepared to listen for instructions from the ride operators or other park employees. There are times when you could endanger yourself by NOT being aware of your surroundings. For example, if you are on a ride, and the operator tells you that when the ride is over you need to remain seated UNTIL instructed to exit...depending what ride you are on, ignoring this warning could get you injured by the slowing motion of the ride as you are dismounting!

Basic Visitors (to an Amusement or Theme Park) Responsibilities;

Visitors should NOT enter any unauthorized areas!

Visitors should NOT use controlled substances/ narcotics/drugs.

Visitors should NOT be intoxicated!

Visitors should NOT carry weapons of any kind.

Be cautious of visitors who are BLEEDING, VOMITING, SPITTING, or indulging in any other potential transmission of INFECTIOUS materials!

Visitors should NOT be acting excessively violent.

Theft should be reported immediately!

Visitors should NOT be harassing employees OR other guests!

Visitors actions should NOT cause harm or injury to themselves or to others.

Basic Operators (of an Amusement or Theme Park) Responsibilities;

Operators should be focusing on their ride while it is operating.

Operators should NOT be rude to guests and take unnecessary RISKS with their safety!

Operators should be operating the ride as it was meant to be operated.

Operators should NOT be bored or need something to play with, like singing, dancing, throwing things, etc.

Operators should NOT JOKE around about their ride breaking down!

Operators should NOT talk with guests while the ride is running!

Operators should NOT be playing with the microphone at their ride.

Operators should not be eating at a ride.

Operators should NOT be using narcotics or alcohol.

Here Are Some Videos on Safety and Precautions While Visiting Amusement and Theme Parks!