Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!
Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!

84 – Preventing Snow Blindness (Photokeratitis).

Preventing Snow Blindness (Photokeratitis)
Preventing Snow Blindness (Photokeratitis)

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler

SNOW can be blinding!

Bright sun reflecting on a blanket of fresh white snow can reflect damaging rays into unprotected eyes.

The casualty may NOT be aware of the damage at the time – not feeling the effects for up to SEVERAL hours!

Watch for these symptoms of snow blindness;

-- Eyes become sensitive to light

-- Pain in eyes or forehead

-- Gritty feeling in the eyes.

First Aid for Snow blindness;

Make sure the casualty is safe and that you have clean hands!

Cover the eyes with thick, moist dressings to cool them and keep the light OUT!

Secure dressings in place and transport the casualty to MEDICAL help!

Reassure the casualty often, as they will be TEMPORARILY blinded!

Here Are Some Videos on Preventing and Treating Snow Blindness!