Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!
Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!

85 – Safety from Avalanches!

Safety from Avalanches
Safety from Avalanches

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler

AN avalanche is a mass of material rapidly moving down a slope. It is typically triggered when the material on a slope breaks loose from its surroundings, and this material quickly collects and carries additional material down the slope!

During an avalanche, a mass of snow, rock, ice, soil, and other material slides swiftly down a mountainside!

Avalanches of rocks or soil are often called LANDSLIDES.

SNOWSLIDES, the most common kind of avalanche, can sweep downhill faster than the fastest skier!

Most avalanches start on slopes that are 30 degrees or greater. If you stay away from 30 degree (and greater) slopes and avoid traveling beneath them, your risk is greatly REDUCED!

Traveling on or below 30 degree (or greater) slopes during intensive storms is VERY dangerous! (Intensive storms are those in which 1" of snow falls per hour).

Avalanche danger is greatest during and shortly after intensive snow falls!

Wind moves snow from windward (the direction FROM which the wind is COMING) to leeward (the direction TO which the wind is BLOWING) slopes and can create the same kind of unsafe conditions as created by an intensive snow fall.

Stay off LEEWARD slopes during periods of strong winds!

One extremely dangerous time in the mountains occurs when a period of cold weather is followed by a sudden warming trend or rain falling on the snow-pack. Free water in the snow-pack lubricates weak layers and often LARGE avalanches result. Like intensive storms, it is a very dangerous time to be traveling in the mountains!

Danger of Avalanches Depends Upon The Angle of the Slope
Danger of Avalanches Depends Upon The Angle of the Slope

Heavy TREES provide protection from avalanches, but the trees must be spaced within 3 meters of one another.

That's close enough to make skiing annoying. Sparse trees do NOT provide any more protection than open slopes!

In the SPRING season, big wet, damaging avalanches can occur. The safest time to travel is in the morning after a cold, clear night when the snow is frozen!

Get OFF of steep slopes when the snow begins to soften from MELTING!

Traveling Considerations;

Traveling ALONE is RISKY: two is better, three is better yet!

Use ridge lines, heavy trees, windward sides or low angle slopes (less than 30 degrees) to minimize your exposure!

When crossing suspected avalanche slopes, do so ONE person at a time!

A slope is NOT safe just because one or more individuals have crossed it!

Travel from one island of safety (a group of heavy trees, a ridge top, etc) TO another island of safety!

Do NOT camp, eat lunch and rest below OBVIOUS avalanche paths!

Carry emergency avalanche equipment: transceiver, portable shovels, probe poles, pencil, knife, and compass with an inclinometer. At the beginning of each winter season practice with your transceiver. Know how to use it before you need to use it!

If you are moving up or down a suspected slope, stay to the side. If an avalanche occurs, the snow may move SLOWER on the flank and allow an escape!

Stay out of gullies. They are natural pathways for avalanches and often fill DEEPLY with snow when an avalanche occurs!

Check the avalanche forecast (before leaving on a backcountry trip)!

Remember, if you are caught in an avalanche;

-- Stay calm

-- Move across the snow flow at a 45 degree angle down the slope

-- Grab onto trees or branches to pull yourself out!

-- Keep your head above the surface

-- If stuck, swim with your feet downhill

-- Push an arm up as the slide slows

-- Clear snow to create an air pocket around your face

-- Yell "AVALANCHE!" to alert others!

Here Are Some Videos on Safety From Avalanches!