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The Danger of Wolves and Coyotes in the Wild!

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Generally, when facing any kind of predatory animal species in the wild, the following advice may be useful;
Scare away approaching predators. Do not run away. Use stones, sticks, rocks, loud noises, waving arms and aggressive yelling WHILE maintaining eye contact.
Keep dogs on leash and under control at all times. Create and maintain space. Give wildlife lots of room to avoid you, never crowd around them.
Do not stop to take pictures.
Never feed wildlife. Avoid food-conditioning wolves or coyotes by securing all food and garbage.
Prevent conflicts. Give all wild animals distance, not food. Avoid hiking alone. Keep children close.
Be aware of predators. Understand and watch for wildlife warning signs.
Be informed and inform others of current information.
Be prepared for an encounter. Carry deterrents such as noise makers, sticks, or bear spray, and know how to use them.
Respect all wildlife and their right to be here.
It is not normal for wolves or coyotes to attack or pursue humans, especially adults. Aggressive behavior toward humans by wolves or coyotes is usually the result of the animal becoming comfortable with people as a result of direct or indirect feeding.
If a wolf or coyote is spotted in an urban or rural area it is recommended to keep children inside until the animal has left the area or to pick children up and carry them. The animal was likely just passing through. Children should not be left unsupervised.
From the small number of documented attacks, it can be concluded that the vast majority of wolves do not pose any threat to human safety. A person in wolf country has a greater chance of being killed by a dog, lightning, a bee sting or a car collision with a deer than being injured by a wolf.
Although coyotes have been known to attack humans (and pets) and as such are a potential danger to people, especially children, risks are minimal and it is felt that the majority of attack incidents could be reduced or prevented through modification of human behavior. Wild coyotes are naturally curious animals, however, they are timid and will usually run away if challenged. Coyotes start posing a risk to people when they lose their wariness and become comfortable around humans. This is usually a result of direct or indirect feeding by humans.
If you are concerned about an encounter or about encountering aggressive wolves or coyotes, keep a deterrent handy. Deterrents could include: rocks, sticks, banging pots and pans, tin cans filled with rocks or pepper spray (some of these may not be an option in an urban setting).
If a wolf or coyote approaches you;
Make yourself look as large as possible – if you are sitting, stand up!
Wave your arms and throw objects at the wolf or coyote.
Shout at the wolf or coyote in a loud aggressive voice.
Keep children close to you. Lift them up if necessary
If the wolf or coyote continues to approach you, don’t run or turn your back. Continue to exaggerate the above gestures and slowly move to safety.