Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!
Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!

95 – Safety and Precautions against Terrorism in Travel

Safety and Precautions against Terrorism in Travel
Safety and Precautions against Terrorism in Travel

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler

DURING your travels a terrorist attack with conventional weapons such as firearms, explosives or incendiary devices remains possible.

Terrorists often choose targets that offer little danger to themselves and areas with relatively EASY public access.

Foreign terrorists look for VISIBLE targets where they can avoid detection before or after an attack such as international airports, large cities, major international events, resorts, and high-profile landmarks!

Prepare to deal with a terrorist incident by adapting many of the same techniques used to prepare for other crises!


The very nature of terrorism suggests that there may be little or NO warning!

Take precautions when traveling!

Be aware of conspicuous or UNUSUAL behavior!

Do NOT accept packages from strangers.

Do NOT leave luggage unattended!

Learn where emergency exits are located!

Think ahead about how to evacuate a building, subway or congested public area in a hurry.

Learn where staircases are located.

Notice your immediate surroundings.

Be aware of heavy or breakable objects that could move, fall or break in an explosion.

The use of explosives by terrorists can result in collapsed buildings and fires!

People who are staying in a multi-level building can do the following;

-- Review emergency evacuation procedures.

-- Know where fire exits are located.

-- Keep fire extinguishers in working order. Know where they are located, and how to use them!

-- Learn first aid.

-- Keep the following items in a designated place on each floor of the building. Portable battery-operated RADIO with extra batteries, several FLASHLIGHTS with extra batteries, FIST AID KIT with manual, several hard HATS and fluorescent TAPE to rope off dangerous areas!

If you receive a bomb threat, get as much information from the caller as possible. Keep the caller on the line and record everything that is said. Notify the police and the building management.

After you have been notified of a bomb threat, never take it lightly and do NOT touch any suspicious packages.

Clear the area around the suspicious package and notify the police immediately.

If you are EVACUATING a building, AVOID standing in front of windows or other potentially hazardous areas.

Do not restrict sidewalk or streets to be used by emergency officials.

If there is an explosion;

-- In a building explosion, get OUT of the building as quickly and calmly as possible.

-- If items are falling off of bookshelves or from the ceiling, get UNDER a sturdy table or desk.

-- If there is a FIRE, stay low to the floor and exit the building as QUICKLY as possible! Cover nose and mouth with a WET cloth.

-- When approaching a closed door, use the palm of your hand and forearm to feel the lower, middle and upper parts of the door. If it is NOT hot, brace yourself against the door and open it slowly. If it is HOT to the touch, do NOT open the door but seek an alternate escape route. Heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling. Stay BELOW the smoke at all times.

If you are TRAPPED in DEBRIS. Use a flashlight!

Stay in your area so that you don't kick up dust. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.

Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear where you are. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort as shouting can cause a person to inhale dangerous amounts of dust!

Untrained persons should NOT attempt to rescue people who are inside a collapsed building. WAIT for emergency personnel to arrive!

General Safety Against Terrorism

Terrorist acts occur unpredictably, making it impossible to protect yourself absolutely. The first and best protection is to avoid travel to areas where there has been a persistent record of terrorist attacks or kidnappings.

Most terrorist attacks are the result of careful planning!

Terrorists are looking for the most accessible targets!

The chances that a tourist, traveling with an unpublished program or itinerary, would be the victim of terrorism are SLIGHT. Nevertheless, the following pointers may help you avoid becoming a target of opportunity.

Schedule direct flights if possible and avoid stops in high-risk airports or areas.

Be cautious about what you discuss with strangers or what others may overhear.

Try to minimize the time spent in the public area of an airport, which is a LESS protected area. Move quickly from the check-in counter to the SECURED areas.

Upon arrival, LEAVE the airport as soon as possible!

As much as possible, avoid luggage tags, dress and behavior that may identify you as a Westerner!

Keep an eye out for abandoned packages or briefcases, or other suspicious items. Report them to airport authorities and LEAVE the area promptly!

Avoid obvious terrorist target areas such as places where Americans and Westerners are known to congregate.

Always Remember To;

-- Follow local advice

-- Get updates on the security level at your destination

-- Follow the advice of local authorities

-- Keep up to date with local media reports

-- Have a clear exit plan in case of an attack

-- Leave the area immediately if it's safe to do so

-- Avoid the affected area after the attack

-- Create an evacuation plan for your family

Here Are Some Videos on Safety and Precautions against Terrorism in Travel!