Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!
Travel Safety Tips from - The Website for The Smart and Savvy Traveler!

97 – Possibility of Nuclear Accidents or Incidents!

Possibility of Nuclear Accidents or Incidents
Possibility of Nuclear Accidents or Incidents

The Website For The Smart and Savvy Traveler

If you believe you have been EXPOSED to radiological material from a "dirty bomb" you should move away from the area of the blast as soon as debris has started falling and stay away from the debris cloud. A debris cloud could contain radioactive particles.

If you cannot avoid the debris cloud, use CLOTHING to COVER your skin!

Clothing will give you some PROTECTION from particles.

Cover your NOSE and MOUTH with a folded cloth, breathe through the cloth and exit the cloud as SOON as possible!

Once you are out of the debris cloud and a safe distance from the initial explosion REMOVE your clothing, because it may have trapped radioactive particles!

Then, first WASH body parts that were NOT covered with clothing, and then wash your ENTIRE body with soap and cool water. If soap is not available wash your entire body with cool water!

Get a medical evaluation from emergency responders!

If you witnessed the blast tell law enforcement what you saw.

If a dirty bomb were to explode, most injuries would result from the initial explosion and NOT from the contamination of radioactive material. This is because it is very difficult to DISPERSE radiological material, with a bomb, in amounts sufficient to cause a significant health impact!

For those who take proper immediate steps to protect themselves after such an explosion, the chance of a significant health impact is DIMINISHED even further!

What to do During a Thermonuclear Attack?

Do NOT look at the flash or fireball-it can BLIND you.

If you hear an attack warning;

-- Take cover as quickly as you can, BELOW GROUND IF POSSIBLE, and stay there unless instructed to do otherwise!

-- If you are caught outside, unable to get inside immediately, take cover behind ANYTHING that might offer protection. Lie flat on the ground and COVER your head.

If the explosion is some distance away, it could take 30 seconds or more for the BLAST WAVE to hit.

Protect yourself from radioactive fallout. If you are close enough to see the brilliant flash of a nuclear explosion, the fallout will arrive in about 20 minutes.

Take shelter, even if you are many miles from ground zero, radioactive fallout can be carried by the WINDS for HUNDREDS of miles!

Remember the three protective factors: shielding, distance and time.

Keep a battery-powered radio with you, and listen for official information.

-- Follow the instructions given. Local instructions should always take precedence: officials on the ground know the local situation BEST!

What to do After a Nuclear or Radiological Attack?

-- Do NOT leave the shelter until officials say it is safe. Follow their instructions when leaving.

-- If in a fallout shelter, stay in your shelter until local authorities tell you it is permissible or advisable to leave.

--The length of your stay can range from a DAY or two to four WEEKS.

-- Contamination from a radiological dispersion device could affect a wide area, depending on the amount of conventional explosives used, the quantity of radioactive material and atmospheric conditions.

-- A "suitcase" terrorist nuclear device detonated at or near ground level would produce heavy fallout from the dirt and debris sucked up into the mushroom cloud!

-- A missile-delivered nuclear weapon from a hostile nation would probably cause an explosion many times more powerful than a suitcase bomb, and provide a greater cloud of radioactive fallout.

The decay rate of the radioactive fallout would be the same, making it necessary for those in the areas with highest radiation levels to remain in shelter for up to a MONTH.

The heaviest fallout would be limited to the area at or DOWNWIND from the explosion, and 80% of the fallout would occur during the FIRST 24 hours!

People in most of the areas that would be affected could be allowed to come out of shelter and, if necessary, evacuate to unaffected areas within a few days!

Although it may be difficult, make every effort to maintain SANITARY conditions in your shelter space!

Water and food may be SCARCE! Use them prudently but do NOT impose severe rationing, especially for children, the ill or elderly.

Cooperate with shelter managers. Living with many people in confined space can be a difficult and unpleasant experience!

Always Remember in case of a Nuclear Incident or Attack or Leak

Do NOT stay outside/or go outside. As far as possible, AVOID water from open wells/ponds; exposed crops and vegetables; food, water or milk from outside. Do NOT disobey any instruction of the district or civil defence Authorities who would be doing their best to ensure the safety of you, your family and your property.


-- Go indoors. Stay inside.

-- Switch on the radio/television and look out for public announcements from your local authority.

-- Close doors/windows.

-- Cover all food, water and consume only such covered items.

-- If in the open, cover your face and body with a wet handkerchief, towel, dhoti or sari. Return home, change/remove clothes. Have a complete wash and use fresh clothing.

-- Extend full cooperation to local authorities and obey their instructions completely -- be it for taking medication, evacuation, etc.

-- You must be aware of nuclear radiation hazard. Discuss on Nuclear radiation safety among children and family members, to reduce their fear of radiation.


-- Do NOT believe in rumors passed on by word of mouth from one person to another.

-- Do NOT stay outside/or go outside!

-- As far as possible, AVOID water from open wells/ponds; exposed crops and vegetables; food, water or milk from outside!

-- Do NOT disobey any instruction of the district or civil defence authorities who would be doing their best to ensure the safety of you, your family and your property.

Here Are Some Videos on Safety and Precautions against The Possibility of Nuclear Accidents or Incidents